I like Listia and the concept. But the company doesnt protect its sellers. I have given my items away on this site and I usually offer free shipping. I will pay for shipping and tracking out of pocket. The buyer will get the item and will not hit the got it button. Listia will not give you your credits for the item until the buyer hits the "got it" button or you will have to wait 3 weeks to get your credits. Sellers want their credits just as fast as the buyer wants their item. Some buyers are Nice and will hit the"got it" button. I have ran into a lot that dont, out of rudeness. Listia would be awesome if they made a button to verify that the seller had the package delivered to the buyer with tracking , so the seller can get their credits instantly. To new sellers on this site please send tracking with everything you send or you will run into a dishonest person that will try to keep your item and their credits too. A word of Advice!
Emma Waalk about Listia: Buy, Sell, and Trade, v2.40